Terms Of Use



Read these Terms of Use of the Website (“Terms of Use”) carefully before using the Tomorrowland Brasil website (“Website”).

By using this Website, You declare to have read and understood these Terms of Use and You undertake to accept them and comply with them. If You do not agree with these Terms of Use, You should not access or use this Website.




Do not use the Website if You are under 18. By using it, You declare to be over 18 years old and to have full legal capacity to enter into valid contracts under the applicable law.



These Terms of Use regulate the relationship between MAGNASHOW EVENTOS LTDA, Rua Madre Maria Basilia, Centro, Itu, State of São Paulo, CEP (Zip Code) 13300-003, Brazil, enrolled with the National Corporate Taxpayers’ Register of the Ministry of Finance (CNPJ/MF) under No. 71.736.037/0001-20 (“Tomorrowland Brasil”), creator and operator of the Website, and any users who access and use the Website (“You”).

Tomorrowland Brasil reserves the right, without prior notice, to make changes and adjustments to this Website and/or the Terms of Use at any time.



The use of the Website will necessarily depend on equipment and devices connected to an internet network, which must be independently obtained and contracted by You. The access to and use of the Website may be impaired due to the version of your device's operational system or the technical conditions of the devices You use. The adaptation and updating of the devices, browsers, or versions of operational systems for the operation of the Website is of Your sole responsibility.

Tomorrowland Brasil does not guarantee that the information, software, products, and services on this Website are accurate, up-to-date, and complete, or that the Website will operate uninterruptedly and/or will be free of error. Additionally, Tomorrowland Brasil is not responsible for any viruses, and does not assume any responsibility for any damage that these viruses may cause.



Tomorrowland Brasil's privacy policy applies to the processing of your personal data through this Website. See our Privacy Policy.



All materials and content on the Website, including, but not limited to, copyrights, brands, logos, trade names, slogans, texts, images, illustrations, photographs, graphics, designs, trade-dress, sounds, data, databases, icons, software, computer programs, source codes, flowcharts, presentation, audio, and video and/or any other industrial and intellectual property rights of any kind, are the property of Tomorrowland Brasil, its affiliates, or are included with permission from the respective owner.

Under no circumstances will it be understood that access to the Website and/or the acceptance of these Terms of Use generates any assignment or transfer of rights in Your favor or in favor of third parties, except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use. No provision in these Terms of Use should be understood as a waiver of rights by Tomorrowland Brasil, which will continue to own all rights, titles, interests, and ownership relating to the Website, its materials, and its content.

You are aware and agree that all content submitted to Tomorrowland Brasil or the Website (including reviews, feedback, testimonials, suggestions, complaints, ideas, information, comments, contacts, and interactions by any means with Tomorrowland Brasil or with other users through the Website) is automatically assigned to Tomorrowland Brasil, which will be the sole and exclusive owner of the intellectual property rights over such content. If the assignment of intellectual property rights over the content created by You and shared with Tomorrowland Brasil or with other users through the Website is prohibited under the applicable laws, You hereby grant Tomorrowland Brasil an exclusive, global, free, unlimited, non-revocable license valid for the entire period of legal protection, for the use and exploration of the content, as Tomorrowland Brasil sees fit, and at its sole discretion.

If You violate the intellectual property rights or other rights of Tomorrowland Brasil or third parties, You should compensate and hold Tomorrowland Brasil or third parties harmless against any claims or suits resulting from the violation of those rights, without prejudice to the adoption of applicable civil and criminal measures.



You agree and accept that the use of the Website and of any of its contents is your sole and exclusive responsibility. Tomorrowland Brasil expressly reserves the right, at its sole discretion and at any time, to:

  • · Change the information on the Website;

  • · Suspend, modify or terminate, partially or completely, the functionality or activities of the Website;

  • · Perform any inquiry, investigation, internal analysis of data related to the use of the Website by You and adopt any corrective measures for the purpose of correcting problems, preventing fraud, fulfilling your requests, and any other purpose necessary to preserve the integrity of the Website and its users; and/or

  • · Block or suspend, without prior notice, your access to the Website, temporarily or permanently, in case of non-compliance or suspicion of non-compliance with any of the obligations undertaken in these Terms of Use, in the Tomorrowland Brasil Privacy Policy or in the applicable laws.



The Website may contain references (for example, through a hyperlink, banner, or button) to other websites that relate to a specific aspect of this Website. Tomorrowland Brasil has no control over the content or other characteristics of these websites and is not liable in any way for their content or characteristics. The inclusion of third-party links by Tomorrowland Brasil does not in any way imply an implicit approval or assumption of liability regarding the content of these websites.



If You provide us with information or other materials, You agree that we may use it. You guarantee that the information or materials do not violate the rights of third parties (including intellectual property), nor are they illegal towards third parties.

In certain parts of the Website, You may submit information directly. It is impossible for us to verify this information in advance. Therefore, we are not liable for them. We reserve the right to reduce, change, or delete this information at any time.



Upon accessing the Website, You receive a limited, temporary, revocable, non-exclusive, and non-transferable authorization to use the Website, always in accordance with these Terms of Use.

You agree to make appropriate and lawful use of the Website, in accordance with the applicable law, with these Terms of Use and with the Privacy Policy of Tomorrowland Brasil. Thus, You agree to:

  • · Comply with all applicable laws and not use the Website for illegal purposes or effects that are contrary to the applicable law, these Terms of Use, or Privacy Policy of Tomorrowland Brasil, that are harmful to the interests or rights of Tomorrowland Brasil, of other users of the Website or of third parties, or that in any way could harm, disable, or deteriorate the Website or prevent its normal use by other users;

  • · Not to destroy, change, disable, or, in any other way, damage the electronic and other data, programs, or documents made available on the Website;

  • · Not to penetrate or test the vulnerability of the Website or of any Tomorrowland Brasil system or social network, and not to break, or attempt to break, its security or authentication measures;

  • · Not to use software, techniques and/or devices in order to improperly use the Website for practices that could harm Tomorrowland Brasil, other users of the Website or third parties, such as hacking, scraping, crawling, exploits, spamming, flooding, spoofing, crashing, root kits, etc.

  • · Not to use the Website to, by way of reference, but not limited to, send mass emails (spam) or emails containing illegal content;

  • · Periodically review updates to these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy of Tomorrowland Brasil;

  • · Not to copy, assign, license, sublicense, sell, rent, lease or give as security, distribute, share, reproduce, or, in any way, make available, provide access to the Website, as well as its parts or any information relating to it, including any content from Tomorrowland Brasil or other users of the Website;

  • · Not to decompile or promote, and/or facilitate, any reverse engineering, undue access, or attempt of reverse engineering or undue access, to the source code of the Website;

  • · Not to carry out, without the prior consent of Tomorrowland Brasil: the storage, reproduction, modification, disclosure, distribution or transmission, sale or transfer of the information provided on and through this Website (except those necessary to access the Website), or to grant rights thereto to third parties. Thus, the authorization to use the Website granted to You does not encompass any resale or commercial use of the Website or its materials and does not grant You the right to use the Website for any purpose not expressly provided for in these Terms of Use. The Website and any part thereto may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, modified, sold, resold, distributed, transferred, published, displayed, or explored, without the express written consent of Tomorrowland Brasil. Tomorrowland Brasil reserves all rights not expressly granted in these Terms of Use; and/or

  • · Without our express written consent, You may not do the following: (a) use any meta tags or “hidden text” using the Tomorrowland Brasil name or brand; or (b) frame data, frame, generate automatic links, or use other techniques to associate or overlap any of Tomorrowland Brasil's brands, logos, or other materials with advertisements and/or other information that does not originate from the Website.




You will need a password to access certain sections of this Website (e.g., to access your Tomorrowland account). Accessing these sections without a password is strictly prohibited. You must immediately notify Tomorrowland Brasil if Your password is known to anyone other than You, or if You receive a password from another party other than Tomorrowland Brasil. Any use of our services after a valid identification with Your password will be considered as being performed by You. If Tomorrowland Brasil has any reason to believe that the security of the Website is at risk, Tomorrowland Brasil may change your password and deny you access to secure sections of the Website (without prejudice to other rights and resources).



For questions and/or complaints about these Terms of Use and/or the Website, please contact us via info@tomorrowland.com



These Terms of Use and the Website shall be ruled by the Brazilian laws. You agree that the competent court to settle any dispute relating to these Terms of Use, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged it may be, will be the Court of the District of Itu/SP.